sobota, 30 kwietnia 2011

Article 1 - Lino Vizcaíno Sarría in Galería In La'kech

"Galería In La'kech hosted a 10 day show by Cuban artist, Lino Vizcaíno Sarría from June 28 to July 10, 2007. His work, pen and ink on paper, is accomplished with exquisite attention to detail and a substantial knowledge of the Yoruba culture's religious pantheon and iconography. These 15 midsized drawings comprise finely detailed archetypal images made more accessible to western culture by his drawing of parallels between African gods and saints and western astrological symbols. Themes include our connection to nature, to ancestral myths, and our ability to bridge the gap between the sacred and secular (natural) spaces by taping into powers such as those of spirits and saints, an approach which underlines the synchretic nature of his vision.
©Lino Vizcaino.  All rights reserved.

His work - which has received a number of prizes - has been extensively exhibited in the last few years in Cuba, and has been exhibited as well in individual and group shows in Germany, Canada, The United States, Spain, and Columbia."

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